Green Roots

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Unaab (Jujube)




  • Anti-cancer properties
  • Promotes Weight loss.
  • Calms Your Nervous System.
  • Strengthens Immune System.
  • Used for Anti-ageing.
  • Beneficial for Bones and Muscles.
  • Regulates Blood Pressure.
  • Treats Insomnia.
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Protects the heart and brain
  • Offers protection against cancers
  • Beneficial for the skin
  • Rich in vitamin C
  • Helps fight acne
  • Makes the skin glowing and fresh
  • This fruit is a rich source of vitamin C, B1 and B2.
  • Lowers blood sugar levels
  • Helps control asthma



  • Can be taken orally with water
  • Can be used to make green tea
  • Can be eaten as a fruit (raw form)
  • Can be added in milk and taken as a drink
Weight 110 g

100 g


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