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Psoriasis Capsules and Eczema Vaseline


The natural and only permanent cure for Psoriasis.


Psoriasis Capsules


• Reduces inflammation
• Anti bacterial
• Reduces redness
• Boosts skin cell growth
• Reduces dryness and irritation
• Treats wounds and burns
• Aids healing
• Keeps the skin hydrated
• Oxygenates the skin


• Indian Barberry (Simblu)
• Margosa (neem ka patta)
• Rhubarb Roots (Raiwand Khatai)
• Raw Turmeric (Amba Haldi)
• Centella (Barhami Booti)
• Indian Fumitory (Shahatra)
• Bitter Stick (Chirata Nepali)


Adults: Two capsules in the morning and two capsules at night, one hour after meals with water.

Upto 12 years: One capsule in the morning and one capsule at night, one hour after meals.


Eczema Vaseline


• Improves skin conditions
• Promotes wound healing
• Keeps the skin hydrated
• Anti inflammatory
• Anti bacterial
• Contains cooking effects


– Vaseline
– Neem oil
-Tea tree oil
-Eucalyptus Oil


Apply on the effected areas as required.

Weight 420 g


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