Green Roots

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Mustard Oil

 450 600

Green Roots Mustard Oil is the purest extracts of finest quality mustard seeds with variety of uses beneficial for hair and skin care. Mustard Oil also enhances the taste of food when used in cooking.

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  • Supports heart health.
  • Alleviate pain.
  • Promotes skin and hair health.
  • Helps in treating cold symptoms.
  • Reduces inflammation.



  • Applying Mustard Oil on hair helps in growth of hair and it prevents hair loss as well.
  • Applying Mustard Oil on skin helps in improving fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Massaging Mustard Oil on body relieves pain and inflammation.
  • Cooking with Mustard Oil helps reduces bad cholesterol level and supports in getting the overall health of heart.
Weight 210 g

120 ml, 200 ml


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