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Acacia Collagen



Made out of all natural components, a very effective and strong collagen supplement.

• Makes the skin soft and smooth
• ⁠Enhances the skin texture
• ⁠Makes the skin glow and shine
• ⁠Slow down the aging process
• ⁠Prevents fine lines and wrinkles on the skin
• ⁠Contains rose extracts and plant derived fibrobutrients which helps hydrate the skin naturally, prevent inflammation and maintains the skin health.
• ⁠Beneficial for nail strength and growth.
• ⁠Makes the hair strong from the roots
• ⁠Keeps hair nourished and hydrated
• ⁠Boosts hair growth

How to use;
Can be used by men & women of all age groups.
Take one tablespoon of acacia collagen and mix in water. Has to be taken once in a day on empty stomach or after meal, as per convenience.

Weight 500 g


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