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Haazma Hee Haazma

 800 1,600

Green Roots Haazma Hee Haazma is beneficial for all stomach related problems such as acidity & constipation.

SKU: N/A Category:


  • Healthy digestion
  • Acidity cure
  • Constipation cure
  • Beneficial for all stomach related issues



  • Take one tablet in the morning after meal
  • Take one tablet in night after meal
  • In case of severe conditions, two tablets can be taken
  • These tablets can be taken with water
  • These tablets can also be taken as dissolvable tablets



  • Long Pepper (filfil siyah)
  • Sange Jaharat (soaprock)
  • Gond Katira (tragacanth)
  • Noshadar (gum resim)
  • Peepal Kala (peepal black)
  • Calcium Phosphate
  • Zanjabeel (zingiber)
  • Zeera Safaid (cumin)
  • Kaala Zera (black cumin)
  • Satt Limu (citric acid)
Weight 50 g

60 Tablets, 120 Tablets


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