Green Roots

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Lemon Oil


Green Roots Lemon essential oil is used in the treatments of skin, hair and body. Also treats with health benefits.



  • Reduces nausea & stress
  • Improves concentration
  • Keeps hair healthy
  • Supports digestion
  • Boosts oral health
  • Teats skin conditions
  • Improves respiratory functions
  • Improves immune system functions
  • Treats multiple skin conditions.



  • Can be used for aromatherapy mixed with any carrier oil.
  • Reduces Nausea. Can be used as a diffuser.
  • Can be applied on skin with any non comedogenic oil for wrinkle free and spotless skin..
  • Can be mixed with any carrier oil and applied on hair for controlling hair fall.
  • Can be used as a diffuser
  • Can be used on the skin mixed with any non comedogenic oil.
  • Can be applied to hair mixed with any carrier oil.
Weight 65 g

30 ml


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