Green Roots

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Fennel Oil


Green Roots Fennel Oil works as an antiseptic agent, stimulates brain and neural activities, works wonders for the skin, helps heal hair problems and benefits in hair growth, as well as is beneficial for multiple health issues.



  • Excellent antiseptic and antispasmodic agent
  • Provides relief from menstrual problems
  • Stimulates brain and neural activity
  • Improves amount of milk in lactating mothers
  • Effective in treating chronic cough
  • Relieves gas and indigestion & kills intestinal worms
  • Increases frequency in urination
  • Controls sugar cravings & adds flavor to food
  • Boosts productivity
  • Supports healthy metabolism
  • Maintains cholesterol and lowers high blood pressure
  • Protects against harmful radiations during cancer treatment
  • Delays wrinkles & acts as a facial toner & as a deep cleanser
  • Fights acne, cleanses the scalp, moisturizes the hair & stimulates hair growth
  • Helps in dandruff and scalp itchiness, stop hair fall & makes the skin flawless and glowing



  • Can be used for healing wounds can be applied on the affected areas. Gives soothing relief.
Weight 80 g

30 ml


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