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Ginger Oil



• Effective for arthritis • Reduces menstrual cramps • Cures digestive problems • Eases frozen shoulders • Relieves sinus congestion • Recovers muscle fatigue • Helps get rid of travel sickness • Cures IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) • Beneficial for colds, sore throats and respiratory relief & hair fall • Improves hair growth • Clears scars and spots

How to use:
• Inhaling the aroma from ginger oil has been used as a way to relieve nausea. • Ginger oil or extract is sometimes included in shampoos or other hair products, as it’s believed to promote hair health and growth • Diffusers are a great way to add a pleasing scent to a room. • In some cases, the essential oil may need to be diluted in water • Ginger oil in a spray can be used to freshen the air in a room. • Ginger oil can be used for steam inhalation (few drops in water)

Weight 120 g


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